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Selectmen Minutes, June 14, 2005
June 14, 2005

Present at the meeting that was held at the Stow Town Building were Chairman Edward R. Perry Jr. and Selectmen John Clayton, Stephen Dungan, Carole Makary, and Janet Wheeler.

Also present were Town Administrator William Wrigley and Administrative Assistant Susan Flint Hosier.

Chairman Perry called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Town Administrator’s Report
Town Counsel: Mr. Wrigley recommended that the Town expand the role of present Town Counsel Daley and Witten, LLC, to cover the work done by co-counsel Karen Meyer, who has resigned.

In his six years with the Town of Stow, Jon Witten and Patty Daley have served the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Community Preservation Committee. Mr. Witten also serves the Town of Marion as counsel for Town Meetings, the role he will now fill with Karen Meyer’s resignation.

All Board members supported Mr. Wrigley’s recommendation.

Treasurer-Collector: With Carol Vogel’s retirement from Treasurer-Collector, Ms. Vogel recommends Assistant Treasurer-Collector Pam Landry’s promotion to Treasurer-Collector. Mr. Wrigley supports this promotion, and noted that Ms. Landry has served as Assistant for the past 10 of her 18 years with the office. She has also completed the first year of her certification for both Treasurer and Collector.

Ms. Wheeler moved, Ms. Makary seconded and all voted in favor of appointing Pam Landry as Stow’s Treasurer-Collector, following the requisite posting period and the lack of a more suitable candidate to fill the Town’s needs.

Marlboro Road engineering: Mr. Wrigley reported that Bruce Fletcher, the Town engineer, will design the Marlboro and Gleasondale roads intersection improvement; the Highway Department plans to have the redesign implemented by September.

Special Beer and Wine License Approval
Board members approved and signed a one-day beer and wine license for the Decibels Foundation golf tournament at Wedgwood Pines. Ms. Makary moved, Mr. Clayton seconded, and all voted in favor.

Board of Health Donations for Hazardous Waste Collection
For the first time, the Board of Health requested a $10 donation from residents this year for its hazardous waste collection day, in order to help defray the large expense of the annual event. By Mass General Law, the Selectmen must approve spending the donated funds. Ms. Makary moved to allow the Board of Health to apply the $1,820.00 in donations to the Clean Harbors charges for hazardous waste disposal per MGL, Ms. Wheeler seconded and all voted in favor.

Annual Animal Control Officer Warrant for Unlicensed Dogs
Each year, the Board signs a warrant giving the animal control officer authority to invoke a state statute regarding unlicensed dogs. Residents receive several reminders before and after the April 1 licensing deadline, including a letter from the Police Chief. If an owner has still not licensed a dog, additional steps are taken, which include picking up the dog and taking the owner to court.

Chairman Perry signed the warrant for the Board, for delivery to the Animal Control Officer.

School Building Committee Update
Mr. Dungan, as current chair of the School Building Committee, updated the Board on SBC activities, which included a summary of key votes; financing estimates and timing; special Town Meeting plans; and committee reorganization, including his resignation following his election as a selectmen.

The SBC voted to stop investigation of the Future Electronics, site, use an enrollment projection of 11 additional students per year, and pursue a single-school building option.
While news on the state’s school building assistance program is discouraging, members advise that the Town should continue its planning. The committee expects to bring plans for building, land acquisition, and a detailed budget to a Special Town Meeting this fall.

Tri-Town Population Study
Ms Makary updated the Board on the Tri-Town Committee’s discussion of getting updated demographic information, including population data, given that Bolton and Lancaster are beginning a Master Plan process. Mr. Dungan reported that the School Building Committee has the population information it needs. As to whether Stow, in general, needs updated information and could partner with the other towns to acquire it, Ms. Wheeler took the action item to get this information from the Master Plan Committee in time for the September Tri-Town meeting.

Annual Appointments for June
The Board voted to reappoint the people presently serving in the Town positions whose terms expire June 1. These include inspectors of building, gas, plumbing, and wiring and the Forest Fire Warden. Given that the incumbents asked to be reappointed and no applicants responded to the posting, Mr. Dungan moved, Ms. Makary seconded and all voted in favor of the posted reappointments. (All appointment lists are available from the Selectmen’s Office.)

Selectmen’s Goals for fiscal year 2006
Using the Board’s FY05 goals and ideas for additional contributions, the Board agreed to the following goals and liaison appointments for the coming fiscal year.

General Bylaw Review                                            Jack
Master Plan Update
EO418 conformance                                       Janet
Planned Development Strategy                            Janet
ARRT                                                    Ross
Municipal Land Use/Needs
Define work of Municipal Land Use and Open Space                Steve
        Municipal land management plan                          Carole and Janet
Improve Quality of Life
Improve dangerous roadways                              Carole
Goal sharing between boards and committees              All
Public outreach and citizen’s input                             All
Charter overlaps and alignment of goals                 Steve
Annual joint meetings of selectmen and others           Ross and Carole
Tri-Town/NRSD                                           Carole
Build mutual understanding between Town and NRSD        Steve
Operating manuals for all Town departments                      Ross
        Financial LRP and stored assets policy                  Steve
(with Town Administrator and Finance Committee)
Liaison assignments:
Assabet River Rail Trail                Ross
Bylaw Review Committee          Jack
Capital Planning Committee      Carole
FinCom                          Steve
MAGIC                           Janet
Master Plan                     Janet
PEG                             Ross
Perambulation                   Ross
Public Safety Study Committee   Jack
Roadway issues                  Carole
School Building Committee       Steve
Tri-Town                        Carole
Website                         Janet

Selectmen’s Policy on Meeting Minutes
Mr. Wrigley introduced the topic by describing the proposed policy he had drafted at the Board’s request, which he based on state laws, including the Public Records Law, and town policies and practice.

The ensuing discussion covered the experience and opinions of the Board members. It was agreed that printed copies of draft minutes would be included in the Friday meeting packets for discussion and vote the following Tuesday. It was acknowledged that amendments to the minutes should only be discussed at a public open meeting. There was some agreement with Mr. Clayton’s suggestion that the administrative assistant, as an unbiased third party, should include the information that he or she thinks is appropriate.

Meeting Minutes
The Board reviewed and approved two sets of draft minutes: February 22 and May 17.
Ms. Makary moved, Ms. Wheeler seconded, and all voted to accept the May 17 minutes, as written.

Ms. Makary moved and Ms. Wheeler seconded accepting the February 22 minutes, as amended. The Board reviewed the revised draft and, after discussion, voted to accept the minutes, as amended.

Event Permit for Mass Red Ribbon Ride
On the recommendation of the Public Safety Officer, Sgt. Tim Lima, the Board voted to permit a benefit bike ride through Stow on August 14, pending verification of liability coverage. Mr. Dungan so moved, Ms. Makary seconded, and all voted in favor.

Verizon and Comcast Cable TV Issue
At the request of Cable Advisory Committee Chairman Lew Halprin, the Board agreed to write to Stow’s U.S congressional representatives regarding a threat to local cable access by Verizon.

Mr. Perry, as PEG liaison, took the action item to draft a letter for the Board’s review. If agreeable, the Board authorized Mr. Perry to send the letter under his signature.

Issue related Communication with Other Boards and Residents
A question of how residents get on the Board’s agenda initiated a discussion of how selectmen respond to residents’ complaints and concerns. Some members felt that boards involved in issues with residents should be invited to a selectmen’s meeting to discuss the given issue. Others felt this was inappropriate in cases where the issue was the responsibility of another department and it would be a disservice to the other departments to interfere. Chairman Perry recommended that members visit the residents and committees to gain a full understanding of the issue.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m., on a motion from Ms. Makary, seconded by Ms. Wheeler, and with all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Flint Hosier
Administrative Assistant
Board of Selectmen